What Can We Expect from SEO in 2016?

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What Can We Expect from SEO in 2016?


Things move fast and we need to stay on top of them in order to keep up. One of the things that Google seems to be doing is making people lazy. If the lack of movement makes you overweight, then the lack of mental exercise would make you the mental version of obese the way Google are doing things. It’s getting easier and easier to get access to chewed up information that straight up answers specific questions without you having to read an entire article about it. So if before you had to read 500 words in order to get a basic insight into the nature of a phenomenon, today it’s enough to ask a simple question and Google will do everything in order to provide the answer. Thus, in some cases instead of covering entire topics via articles, it might be a good idea to have a section of your website that offers straight answers.

The rules of the game are changing. Nothing too out of the ordinary, but voice search via Google Now, Siri, or Cortana is becoming more and more popular, which means that providing these types of answers and optimizing for mobile is going to be a main theme in the coming years. Get ready for that.

If you need any more practical advice or need SEO services, NXTFactor is here to help you out. Have a look around out site and give us a chance.